
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

12 Business Ideas

Business Ideas for Project Managers

Project managers are highly organized and skilled at managing multiple tasks. This guide will explore home-based business ideas that allow you to put your project management skills to use and help others achieve their goals.

Project Stakeholder Management Training

Project Stakeholder Management Training

Develop training programs focused on effective stakeholder management. Teach techniques for identifying, communicating with, and managing the expectations and interests of different stakeholders involved in a project.

Project Documentation Services

Project Documentation Services

Offer comprehensive documentation services for project management. Create templates, guidelines, and reports that ensure thorough record-keeping and compliance with industry standards.

Freelance Project Manager Platform

Freelance Project Manager Platform

Create a platform where freelance project managers can connect with businesses needing temporary project management expertise. Include features for job matching, portfolio showcasing, and secure payments.

Green Project Management Solutions

Green Project Management Solutions

Promote and implement sustainable project management practices. Help businesses integrate eco-friendly methods and comply with environmental regulations in their projects.

Industry-Specific Project Management

Industry-Specific Project Management

Consult in project management for niche industries such as healthcare, IT, construction, or finance. Offer specialized knowledge and processes to handle sector-specific challenges and regulations.

Project Recovery Services

Project Recovery Services

Specialize in rescuing troubled projects that are at risk of failure. Analyze the project's current state, identify problems, and implement corrective actions. Provide leadership to get derailed projects back on track.

PMO Setup and Optimization

PMO Setup and Optimization

Help organizations set up or optimize their Project Management Office (PMO). Ensure alignment with business objectives, standardize project processes, and implement best practices to improve project delivery success rates.

Project Audit and Risk Assessment

Project Audit and Risk Assessment

Offer services in auditing ongoing projects and performing risk assessments to identify potential issues. Recommend mitigation strategies and adjustments to ensure projects stay within scope, time, and budget constraints.

Virtual Project Management Services

Virtual Project Management Services

Provide remote project management services for companies that require distance management solutions. Use collaboration tools and cloud-based project management software to stay connected and keep projects on track.

Project Management Software Development

Project Management Software Development

Develop customized project management software solutions that cater to the specific needs of different industries. Include features like task tracking, resource allocation, time management, and collaboration tools to streamline project workflows.

Agile Project Training

Agile Project Training

Design and deliver comprehensive Agile project management training programs for corporate teams. Include practical workshops, online courses, and certification preparation to enhance their agility in project handling and adaptability to change.

Project Management Consultancy

Project Management Consultancy

Offer expert project management consultancy services to businesses looking to improve their project execution processes. Provide tailored strategies, tools, and practices to help companies manage projects more effectively and achieve their business goals.