
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

Single Person Software Businesses that Make Millions

So you are a software developer and you want to become a millionaire, but you hate managing people.

Is it still possible?

Absolutely, and in this article, we'll share some astonishing single-person software businesses that generate millions each year.


Wappalyzer functions as a technological profiler, unveiling the underlying composition of websites. It reveals information about a website's content management system (CMS), frameworks, ecommerce platforms, JavaScript libraries, and an array of other components.

In a recent interview with BoringCashCow, the founder revealed that the business makes seven figures annually while remaining a single-person operation since its beginning:



Sidekiq is a popular background job processing framework for Ruby on Rails applications. It empowers developers to execute asynchronous tasks, like sending emails and processing data, without affecting the main application's performance.

In a recent podcast with StartupForTheRestOfUs, founder Mike Perham disclosed that the business is achieving around 10 million dollars a year, all while he remains the sole person involved.



BuiltWith is a website offering a web technology profiler tool. It enables users to analyze and discover the technologies used to build various websites. By inputting a website's URL, users gain insights into the employed technologies, frameworks, content management systems, analytics tools, advertising networks, and more. This aids in competitive analysis, understanding industry trends, and exploring the technology landscape of different websites on the internet.

BuiltWith is probably the pioneer in single-person software businesses making millions. An article by the5to9 states that BuiltWith generates an impressive 14 million dollars in annual recurring revenue.



Founders leverage software to create single-person multi-million businesses. By creating software once and selling it countless times, they tap into a unique advantage.

Furthermore, these businesses are solving real-world problems (what we call "boring businesses"). It's easier to ask for money when you're addressing genuine pain points. They stand in contrast to trendy AI/Web 3 endeavors that are solutions looking for problems.