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10 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for 10 Year Olds

Calling all young entrepreneurs! Want to earn some cash with fun and safe side hustles? Look no further! This list is bursting with ideas for 10-year-olds to turn their talents into money-making activities. From lemonade stands to creative crafts, get ready to become a mini-mogul!



Older 10-year-olds looking after younger children for short periods can offer babysitting services. This job involves playing with the children, helping them with homework, or simply supervising them while adults are busy. Babysitting teaches responsibility, basic caregiving skills, and can be very fulfilling.

Recycling Program

Recycling Program

Starting a small recycling program involves collecting cans, bottles, and other recyclables from neighbors and taking them to a recycling center for cash. This not only helps clean the environment but also teaches the child the importance of recycling. They could also educate the community on the benefits of recycling.

Dog Walking

Dog Walking

Offering a dog walking service is a great way for children to stay active while earning money. They’ll help busy pet owners by walking dogs after school or during weekends. It’s important for the child to learn commands and basic dog behavior to ensure their safety and the pets'.

Baking Sales

Baking Sales

Children who enjoy baking can make cookies, cupcakes, or other treats to sell. They can set up a small stand or take orders from neighbors. This side hustle teaches measurements, following recipes, and the basics of running a small food business. They can also learn about food safety and hygiene standards.



If the child excels in a particular subject, they can offer tutoring services to peers or younger children. This could include help with math, reading, or even basic computer skills. Tutoring helps reinforce the 10-year-old's knowledge while teaching them how to explain concepts clearly and patiently.

Car Washing

Car Washing

A car washing service can be done locally and is a relatively simple job that pays immediately. Kids can team up with friends to wash cars in a safe area, learning teamwork and service skills. They can offer extra services such as interior vacuuming or tire polishing for additional charges.

Crafts Selling

Crafts Selling

If a 10-year-old enjoys making crafts like friendship bracelets, handmade cards, or small paintings, they could sell their creations at local craft fairs or online marketplaces designed for children. This fosters creativity and entrepreneurial skills, as they’ll need to price their items, market them, and manage orders.

Yard Work

Yard Work

Many people need help with yard work such as mowing lawns, pulling weeds, raking leaves, and planting flowers. Offering yard work services can teach a child the importance of physical labor and diligence. They may need some initial guidance on how to use certain tools safely.

Pet Sitting

Pet Sitting

A pet sitting service involves taking care of neighbors’ pets when they are away. Responsibilities might include feeding pets, taking them for walks, and ensuring they have clean water. This job can teach a child responsibility and time management, and it’s great for those who love animals.

Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand

A lemonade stand is a classic side hustle where a 10-year-old can set up a small stand in their neighborhood to sell lemonade. It's a great way to learn basic business skills, such as handling money and customer service. They can experiment with different recipes, offer toppings like crushed mint or berries, and even use eco-friendly cups to attract more customers.