
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

11 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for 11 Year Olds

11-year-olds, level up your earning game! This list is packed with awesome side hustles to turn your hobbies into cash. From pet sitting to tech whiz gigs, discover how to become a mini-boss!

Garage Sale Helper

Garage Sale Helper

Help neighbors or family members organize and run a garage sale. This can include setting up items, helping customers, and managing money.

Gardening Help

Gardening Help

Assist with gardening tasks such as watering plants, weeding, and planting flowers. This can be a seasonal job that requires attention to detail and a willingness to get dirty.

Babysitting Assistant

Babysitting Assistant

Assist an older sibling or neighbor with babysitting young children. Your tasks could include playing with the kids, preparing simple snacks, and keeping an eye on them.

Car Washing

Car Washing

Wash cars in your neighborhood. You will need basic supplies like a hose, car soap, and sponges. Additionally, ensure you have permission from the car owners and the time to do the job thoroughly.

Dog Walking

Dog Walking

Offer dog walking services to your neighbors. Make sure you are comfortable handling dogs of various sizes and have permission from your parents to do this activity.

Recycling Collection

Recycling Collection

Collect recyclables like cans and bottles from neighbors. Separate these items and take them to a recycling center to earn money based on the weight of the materials.

Craft Selling

Craft Selling

Make and sell handmade crafts like friendship bracelets, painted rocks, or bead jewelry. You can set up a small stand in your community or sell items online with your parent's help.

Household Chores

Household Chores

Do various chores like dusting, vacuuming, or washing dishes for neighbors or family friends. It teaches responsibility and earns you extra pocket money.

Lawn Mowing

Lawn Mowing

Offer lawn mowing services to neighbors. You will need access to a lawn mower and should be able to safely operate it and manage the workload during weekends or after school.

Pet Sitting

Pet Sitting

Look after pets in your neighborhood when their owners are away. This can include feeding, walking, and playing with the animals to ensure they are happy and healthy.

Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring

Teach younger kids subjects you excel in, like math or science, through video calls. Offering a friendly and approachable style can make learning fun for your students.