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10 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for 12 Year Olds

Calling all 12-year-old moneymakers! This list is your roadmap to earning cash with cool side hustles. Whether you're a tech wiz or a yard care champ, find the perfect way to turn your skills into profit!

Paper Route

Paper Route

A traditional side hustle, delivering newspapers requires reliability and time management. Kids have to wake up early to ensure newspapers are delivered on time. While physical and sometimes challenging, it provides a steady income and builds a sense of responsibility. Earnings depend on the newspaper company and delivery route, but can be around $100-$200 per month.

Car Washing

Car Washing

Washing and detailing cars can be a great side hustle, especially during the warmer months. Kids can offer to wash cars in their neighborhood, providing a valuable service to those who don’t have time to do it themselves. This job encourages a strong work ethic, attention to detail, and customer service skills. Typical rates range from $10 to $25 per car.

Craft Sales

Craft Sales

If a 12-year-old has a talent for making crafts, they can sell their creations online or at local craft fairs. This could include items like handmade jewelry, paintings, or knitted goods. It’s a fantastic way to turn a hobby into a source of income while also learning about marketing, sales, and customer service.

House Cleaning

House Cleaning

Cleaning houses for family friends and neighbors can be a lucrative side hustle. Tasks might include vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning bathrooms. It’s perfect for kids who are detail-oriented and enjoy organizing. Rates can vary but kids can expect to earn around $10-$15 per hour.

Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand

Lemonade stands are a classic side hustle that teach kids the basics of entrepreneurship. Running a lemonade stand involves making the lemonade, setting up the stand, and selling the drinks to neighbors and passersby. It teaches valuable lessons about money management, customer service, and marketing. Earnings will vary depending on sales, location, and pricing.

Pet Sitting

Pet Sitting

Pet sitting involves taking care of pets while their owners are away. This could include feeding, walking, and playing with the pets. It is ideal for 12-year-olds who are responsible and love animals. Pet sitters can earn anywhere from $15 to $40 per day depending on the duration and duties required.

Online Surveys

Online Surveys

Online surveys offer a way for tech-savvy 12-year-olds to make some extra money. Many market research companies need kids' opinions and are willing to pay for them. This side hustle is easy, flexible, and can be done at home. While it doesn’t pay a lot, typically ranging from $1 to $5 per survey, it can add up over time.

Yard Work

Yard Work

Yard work includes tasks such as mowing lawns, weeding gardens, and raking leaves. It's perfect for 12-year-olds who don't mind getting their hands dirty. This seasonal job can be a steady source of income especially in spring and summer months. It encourages physical activity, time management, and a strong work ethic.

Dog Walking

Dog Walking

Dog walking is an excellent opportunity for animal-loving kids to make some cash. This job involves taking pets for walks while their owners are at work or busy with other commitments. It helps 12-year-olds to be more active, develop a sense of responsibility, and learn time management skills. Rates can vary but typically range from $10 to $20 per walk.



Babysitting is a popular side hustle for 12-year-olds. At this age, many kids are responsible enough to look after younger children for a few hours. Babysitters can earn around $10-$15 per hour depending on their experience and the number of children they are watching. It's a great way to learn responsibility, develop interpersonal skills, and earn some money.