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10 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Active Duty Military Personnel

Military Members on the Move! Earn extra income with these flexible side hustles. Find your perfect fit, from online gigs to on-base services, all while honoring your service.

Ridesharing/Delivery Services

Ridesharing/Delivery Services

Working for ridesharing companies like Uber or Lyft, or delivery services like DoorDash and Postmates, can be a convenient side hustle. These jobs offer flexible hours, allowing you to work during your free time. Additionally, it requires minimal start-up costs—usually just a reliable vehicle.

E-commerce/Online Store

E-commerce/Online Store

Setting up an online store to sell products you make or source can be a lucrative venture. Websites like Etsy, eBay, and Shopify offer platforms to reach a wide audience. Whether you create handmade crafts, sell vintage items, or dropship products, e-commerce allows you to work from anywhere.

Real Estate Investing

Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing can build long-term wealth. Use your VA loan benefits to purchase properties. Renting out these properties can provide a steady income stream. Educating yourself on market trends, property management, and tenant relations is essential for success.



Starting a blog or YouTube channel about your interests or experiences can be a rewarding side hustle. Whether you focus on military life, travel, fitness, or another niche, your content can attract an audience. Once you build a following, monetize your site or channel through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing.

Handyman Services

Handyman Services

Military personnel often acquire various skills that can be useful in offering handyman services. You can offer repairs, maintenance, and home improvement services in your local community. Advertise your services on local community boards, Facebook groups, or websites like TaskRabbit.



Photography is a flexible side gig that can fit into your military lifestyle. You can specialize in various types of photography like portraits, event photography, or nature photography. Market your services through social media or create a website to showcase your portfolio.

Fitness Training

Fitness Training

Given the physical fitness requirements of military life, many service members are in excellent shape. You can leverage this by becoming a certified personal trainer and offering fitness classes or individualized training sessions. Gyms, community centers, and even online platforms offer opportunities for you to teach.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

For those with graphic design skills, creating logos, marketing materials, and social media graphics can be a profitable side hustle. With tools like Adobe Creative Suite and Canva, you can take on projects during your off-hours. Use platforms like Behance, Dribbble, or 99designs to showcase your portfolio and attract clients.

Tutoring/Online Teaching

Tutoring/Online Teaching

If you have expertise in certain subjects, consider offering tutoring or online teaching services. Websites like and VIPKid enable you to teach students from all over the world, and you can set your hours based on your availability.

Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing can be an excellent side hustle for military personnel. You can offer your services to write articles, blog posts, technical documentation, and more. This job offers flexibility with deadlines, allowing you to work around your military schedule. Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr can help you find clients.