
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

10 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Book Lovers

Young bookworms, this is for you! Dive into a world of side hustles that turn your love of reading into real cash. From book reviews to audiobook narration, discover ways to make money while getting lost in a good story!

Book Themed Event Planner

Book Themed Event Planner

Plan and organize book-themed events like author readings, book signings, and literary festivals. Charge for admission or offer your services to organizations looking to host book-related events.

Host a Book Club

Host a Book Club

Organize and host book clubs for different demographics, including children, young adults, and adults. Charge a fee for participation and offer a wonderful space for literary discussions and networking.

Literary Merchandise Creator

Literary Merchandise Creator

Design and sell book-related merchandise such as bookmarks, book sleeves, literary-themed clothing, and accessories. You can set up an online store or sell through platforms like Etsy.

Bookbinding & Restoration

Bookbinding & Restoration

Offer bookbinding and restoration services for those who wish to preserve their treasured books. This requires a specific skill set but can be highly rewarding and lucrative.

Online Bookstore Owner

Online Bookstore Owner

Create an online platform to sell books. This can include new releases, second-hand books, or specialize in a specific genre. An effective e-commerce site with good SEO can attract a vast array of book lovers.



Write books for people who have great ideas but lack the time or skill to put them into words. This job can range from creating entire books to editing and expanding existing drafts.

Literary Consultant

Literary Consultant

Advise individuals or organizations on building and curating their book collections. Services can range from selecting modern literature to sourcing rare editions, depending on the client's interests and needs.

Self-Publishing Coach

Self-Publishing Coach

Help aspiring authors navigate the complex process of self-publishing. Offer services from manuscript evaluation to cover design, formatting, and marketing strategies to ensure their books reach a wide audience.

Book Reviewer

Book Reviewer

Start a book review blog or YouTube channel. As you gain followers, publishers may send free books for review, and you can monetize the platform through ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsorships.

Freelance Editor

Freelance Editor

Offer your services as a freelance editor. Many authors and publishing houses are in constant need of skilled editors to proofread and enhance manuscripts before publication. You can specialize in various genres or cater to academic writing.