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12 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Designers

Designers, unleash your creative hustle! This list unlocks profitable gigs that leverage your design skills. From freelance work to selling templates, find the perfect way to turn your passion into extra cash!

Design Consultation Services

Design Consultation Services

Offer consultation services where you provide expert advice on design strategy, brand development, and visual storytelling. Help businesses improve their design processes and overall aesthetic.

Merchandise Design

Merchandise Design

Create designs for various merchandise such as stickers, pins, patches, and printables. Sell your designs on platforms like Etsy, Redbubble, or your own e-commerce site.

Event and Invitation Design

Event and Invitation Design

Design event materials such as invitations, save-the-dates, programs, and signage for weddings, corporate events, and parties. Market your services to event planners and hosts.

Presentation Design

Presentation Design

Specialize in creating visually stunning presentations for businesses and professionals. Use tools like PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides to design clean, professional presentations that effectively communicate the client's message.

Commissioned Artwork

Commissioned Artwork

Take on commissioned art projects such as portraits, personalized illustrations, and custom designs. Advertise your services through social media, artist communities, and local art fairs.

Custom Illustrations

Custom Illustrations

Create unique illustrations for books, websites, marketing materials, and merchandise. Utilize social media and portfolio websites to showcase your work and attract clients.

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Offer social media management services for businesses, focusing on content creation, branding consistency, and engagement. Create visually appealing posts, stories, and advertisements to grow the client's online presence.

Stock Graphics and Templates

Stock Graphics and Templates

Design and sell stock graphics, vectors, icons, and templates on platforms such as Envato Market, Creative Market, or Adobe Stock. Develop a range of products including business templates, social media kits, and presentation decks.

Online Courses and Tutorials

Online Courses and Tutorials

Create and sell online courses or video tutorials on platforms such as Skillshare, Udemy, or your own website. Topics can include design principles, software skills, or advanced design techniques.

UI/UX Design for Apps and Websites

UI/UX Design for Apps and Websites

Provide user interface and user experience design services for mobile apps and websites. Use tools like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD. Partner with developers to bring projects to life or find clients on freelance websites.

Print-on-Demand Products

Print-on-Demand Products

Create custom designs for t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, phone cases, and sell them through print-on-demand services like Printful or Teespring. Promote your products through social media and e-commerce platforms.

Freelance Graphic Design

Freelance Graphic Design

Offer services such as branding, logo creation, business cards, social media graphics, and more. Use platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, or directly approach local businesses. Set up an online portfolio to showcase your best work.