
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

10 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Educators

Educators, teach your wallet a thing or two! This list unlocks side hustles that leverage your skills for extra cash. From tutoring to online courses, turn your teaching passion into profit on your own terms!

Writing and Selling E-books

Writing and Selling E-books

If you enjoy writing, consider creating e-books on educational topics. These can be sold on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or through your own website. E-books allow you to reach a wide audience and generate passive income over time.

Educational Consulting

Educational Consulting

Become an educational consultant and provide advice to schools, educational organizations, or parents on how to improve educational outcomes. Areas of focus can include curriculum development, educational technology integration, and school administration.

Test Preparation Coaching

Test Preparation Coaching

Specializing in test preparation for exams like the SAT, ACT, GRE, or state-specific standardized tests can be a lucrative side hustle. Offer either group classes or one-on-one coaching sessions to help students improve their scores.

Professional Development Workshops

Professional Development Workshops

Leverage your expertise by offering workshops and training sessions for fellow educators. Topics can include classroom management, curriculum design, or integrating technology into the classroom. Schools and educational organizations often pay well for professional development.

Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) Online

Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) Online

Many companies, such as VIPKid and Qkids, are looking for native English speakers to teach English to students in other countries. These positions often offer flexible scheduling, and lessons are conducted online, allowing you to teach from the comfort of your home.

Private Tutoring

Private Tutoring

In addition to online tutoring, consider offering private, in-person tutoring sessions. Advertise your services within your community or through local schools. This personalized approach can command higher rates and provide face-to-face interaction that some students prefer.

Creating and Selling Educational Resources

Creating and Selling Educational Resources

Many teachers create their own worksheets, lesson plans, and classroom activities. Platforms like Teachers Pay Teachers allow you to sell these resources to other educators. This can turn your creative teaching materials into a profitable side hustle.

Freelance Writing for Educational Publications

Freelance Writing for Educational Publications

There is a high demand for quality content in educational journals, magazines, and websites. Use your expertise to write articles, research papers, or how-to guides. This type of freelance work offers flexibility and the opportunity to build a diverse portfolio.

Educational Blogging

Educational Blogging

Starting a blog focused on educational content can be a great way to share your knowledge and insights. You can write about teaching strategies, classroom management, lesson plans, or educational technology. Monetize your blog through advertisements, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing to generate passive income.

Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring

Offering online tutoring sessions in subjects you excel at can be a rewarding and flexible side hustle. Platforms like and Chegg Tutors can connect you with students in need of assistance. You can set your own hours, work from home, and charge a rate that reflects your experience and expertise.