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10 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Electricians

Electrify your income! This list unlocks profitable side hustles that leverage your electrical expertise. From handyman gigs to inspection services, turn your skills into extra cash.

Electrical Equipment Sales

Electrical Equipment Sales

Sell electrical tools, parts, and equipment either through an online store or a physical location. Use your expertise to recommend the best products and provide exceptional customer service to other electricians and DIY enthusiasts.

Generator Installation and Maintenance

Generator Installation and Maintenance

Provide services for installing and maintaining standby generators. Assist clients in selecting the right generator for their needs, handle the installation process, and offer regular maintenance to ensure reliable backup power during outages.

Custom Lighting Design

Custom Lighting Design

Create custom lighting solutions for homes, gardens, and businesses. This could involve designing and installing unique lighting setups for interior and exterior spaces, and providing clients with innovative ideas to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of their spaces.

Electrical Maintenance Services

Electrical Maintenance Services

Offer ongoing maintenance services for property owners and businesses. Regularly check and maintain their electrical systems to prevent issues and ensure optimal performance. This could include routine inspections, minor repairs, or upgrading old systems.

Renewable Energy Consulting

Renewable Energy Consulting

Capitalize on the growing interest in renewable energy by offering consulting services for solar panel installations and other renewable energy solutions. Assist clients in understanding the benefits and feasibility of renewable energy for their properties.

Electrical Safety Inspections

Electrical Safety Inspections

Conduct safety inspections for residential and commercial properties. Ensure that electrical systems comply with safety standards and regulations, and provide clients with detailed reports and recommendations for improvements.

Electrical Tutoring

Electrical Tutoring

Offer your expertise to aspiring electricians through tutoring or teaching. You can create instructional videos, offer in-person or virtual tutoring sessions, and develop educational materials to help others learn the electrical trade.

Smart Home Installation

Smart Home Installation

Specialize in the installation and setup of smart home devices. From smart thermostats and lighting systems to security cameras and home assistants, this side hustle leverages the growing demand for home automation technology.

Home Energy Audits

Home Energy Audits

Provide home energy audit services to help homeowners identify ways to make their homes more energy-efficient. This includes inspecting electrical systems, lighting, and appliances to offer recommendations on reducing energy consumption and costs.

Freelance Electrical Work

Freelance Electrical Work

As a freelance electrician, you can take on individual projects in residential, commercial, or industrial settings. You can offer services like electrical repairs, wiring new construction, or upgrading electrical panels. This allows you to utilize your skills and set your own rates while building a diverse portfolio of clients.