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15 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Grad Students

Grad student grind? This list unlocks side hustles that fit your busy schedule. Earn extra cash without sacrificing studies. Find the perfect gig that leverages your skills, from tutoring to freelance writing!

Freelance Editing

Freelance Editing

Offer editing and proofreading services for essays, dissertations, or articles. Your expertise can be valuable to other students or writers looking for polished, professional work.

Ride-Sharing or Food Delivery

Ride-Sharing or Food Delivery

Sign up for ride-sharing or food delivery services like Uber, Lyft, or DoorDash. These roles offer flexible hours and can be a good way to make money in your spare time.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant

Work as a virtual assistant for small businesses or entrepreneurs. Duties can range from managing emails to performing research and organizing schedules.

Transcription Services

Transcription Services

Provide transcription services for audio or video recordings. This work can typically be done remotely and is often flexible enough to fit around your academic schedule.



If you have a good camera and photography skills, offer your services for events, portraits, or product photography. You can also sell prints or stock photos online.

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Help businesses manage their social media accounts. Create and schedule posts, respond to comments, and help drive engagement. This is a job that often can be done remotely.

Pet Sitting

Pet Sitting

Offer pet sitting and dog walking services in your local area. This can be a relaxing way to earn extra money, especially if you love animals.

ESL Teacher

ESL Teacher

Teach English as a Second Language (ESL) online to students from other countries. Multiple platforms allow you to set your availability, making it easy to fit around your own studies.

Web Development

Web Development

Utilize your coding skills to build websites for small businesses or individuals. This side hustle can be highly lucrative and can often be done on a flexible schedule.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

If you have a knack for design, offer your services for creating logos, marketing materials, or even branding packages. Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork can help you find clients.

Research Assistant

Research Assistant

Work as a research assistant for a professor in your department. This can provide you with additional income while also helping you develop skills and connections in your field of study.

Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant

Many universities hire grad students to assist in teaching undergraduate courses. This can involve grading papers, leading discussion sections, or even giving lectures, and it generally pays a consistent stipend.

Online Surveys

Online Surveys

Participate in online surveys to earn extra money. While this may not bring in a substantial amount of income, it can be done in your spare time and requires minimal effort.



Assist other students or high schoolers in subjects you excel in. Tutoring can be done in person or online, providing a flexible schedule that can work around your academic commitments.

Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing

Offer your writing skills for articles, blog posts, or academic writing. Many websites and companies are in constant need of fresh content, and as a grad student, you likely have strong research skills that can be highly valuable.