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12 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Interior Designers

Interior designers, design your own side hustle! This list unlocks creative opportunities to leverage your skills for extra income. From 3D modeling gigs to e-design consultations, monetize your passion for design!

Color Consulting Services

Color Consulting Services

Specialize in color consultations for both residential and commercial clients. Help clients choose the perfect color palettes for their spaces, considering factors like lighting, mood, and furniture. Offer personalized palettes and paint recommendations.

Window Display Design for Retailers

Window Display Design for Retailers

Design captivating window displays for retail stores to attract customers. Use your design skills to create visually appealing arrangements that reflect the store's brand and current trends. This service can be offered seasonally or for special promotions.

Interior Design E-books or Online Courses

Interior Design E-books or Online Courses

Create comprehensive e-books or online courses about interior design. Cover topics such as design principles, style guides, and room transformations. Sell these digital products through your website or platforms like Etsy and Amazon.

Sourcing and Selling Vintage Decor

Sourcing and Selling Vintage Decor

Curate and sell vintage or unique décor pieces. Visit thrift stores, estate sales, and auctions to find rare items, then resell them through online marketplaces, social media, or a personal website. Appeal to clients looking for one-of-a-kind items.

Event Decorating Services

Event Decorating Services

Provide decorating services for events such as weddings, parties, and corporate events. Use your design skills to create memorable and aesthetically pleasing event spaces. This can be a lucrative service, especially during peak event seasons.

Design Workshops and Classes

Design Workshops and Classes

Host workshops or classes teaching basic interior design principles, color theory, and DIY projects. Offer these sessions in person or online to reach a broader audience. Charge a fee per participant or sell recorded sessions as a course series.

Product Design and Custom Furniture

Product Design and Custom Furniture

Design and create custom furniture or décor pieces for clients. This can include bespoke furniture, woodworking, or textile art. Partner with local craftsmen to bring your design concepts to life and sell them through online platforms or boutiques.

E-Design Services

E-Design Services

Create digital design plans for clients, including mood boards, shopping lists, and layout suggestions. Clients can implement your designs at their own pace. This is a scalable service that can be offered alongside traditional design services.

Offering Virtual Consultations

Offering Virtual Consultations

Provide online design consultations via video calls. Help clients with design dilemmas, space planning, color schemes, and furniture layout without visiting their homes. This can be flexible and allows you to work with clients from different locations.

Interior Design Blogging and Vlogging

Interior Design Blogging and Vlogging

Share your interior design expertise through blogging or vlogging. Create content that covers design tips, DIY projects, trend analyses, and product reviews. Monetize your platform through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.

Home Staging for Real Estate Agents

Home Staging for Real Estate Agents

Assist real estate agents by staging homes for sale. Create appealing layouts and decor arrangements to make properties more marketable. Highlight the potential of each space to prospective buyers, increasing the chances of a quick sale.

Freelance Interior Design Services

Freelance Interior Design Services

Offer tailored interior design services on a project basis. Help clients create their dream spaces by providing personalized design solutions and mood boards. Utilize social media and online platforms to showcase your portfolio and attract potential clients.