
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

17 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for International Students

International students, welcome! This list unlocks side hustles that fit your visa regulations and busy schedule. Earn extra cash with flexible gigs that leverage your skills, from tutoring to online work. Make your study abroad experience financially rewarding!

Custom Artwork

Custom Artwork

Talented artists can create custom pieces of art for clients. This can be an excellent way to develop a personal brand and generate income through commissions and art sales.

Event Photography

Event Photography

Offering photography services for local events, such as school functions, sports events, or parties, allows students to build a portfolio and earn money. Networking and word-of-mouth recommendations can help grow this hustle.



By creating a blog focused on a particular niche, international students can attract readers and generate income through ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing. Consistency and a deep understanding of the target audience are key.

Dropshipping Business

Dropshipping Business

Students can start an e-commerce store without holding inventory by using a dropshipping model. They can partner with suppliers who ship products directly to customers, handling the logistics and allowing the student to focus on marketing.

Etsy Shop Owner

Etsy Shop Owner

Creative students can sell handmade crafts, art, jewelry, or digital products on Etsy. This online marketplace provides a platform to reach customers worldwide and can be a rewarding way to share one's creations.

App Development

App Development

Skilled in coding and app development, students can create and sell their own apps or offer custom app development services. This side hustle allows for creativity and technical prowess to come together.

Transcription Services

Transcription Services

International students can convert audio recordings into written text, which is a valuable service for businesses, podcasters, and researchers. There are numerous online platforms that connect transcribers with clients.

Photography Services

Photography Services

Those with photography skills can offer their services for events, portraits, or product photography. Building an online portfolio and marketing through social media can help attract clients and grow a business.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

International students can earn commissions by promoting products or services through affiliate links. Starting a blog or a niche website to review and recommend products can lead to a steady income stream.

Content Creation for YouTube

Content Creation for YouTube

Students can create and monetize their own YouTube channels by producing content on topics they are passionate about. The key is to consistently create engaging videos that attract and retain viewers.

Language Tutoring

Language Tutoring

Fluent in multiple languages, international students can offer language lessons to those wanting to learn a new language. This can be done in-person or via online video calls, providing flexibility in scheduling.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant

Offering administrative assistance remotely to businesses and entrepreneurs can be a lucrative side hustle. Tasks might include managing emails, scheduling appointments, and conducting research.

Web Development

Web Development

Students with coding skills can develop websites for small businesses or individuals. Projects can range from simple landing pages to complex e-commerce sites, providing a wide array of opportunities to showcase technical expertise.

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

International students familiar with social media platforms can manage social media accounts for businesses. This role involves creating content, engaging with followers, and increasing the brand's online presence.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Students with a talent for design can offer their services to create logos, flyers, social media graphics, and more. There are numerous freelance websites where designers can showcase their portfolios and attract clients.

Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring

Leveraging their academic knowledge, international students can provide tutoring services in subjects they excel in. Several online platforms allow tutors to connect with students worldwide, making it easy to work from anywhere with an internet connection.

Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing

International students proficient in English can use their writing skills to create content for blogs, websites, or academic papers. Various platforms connect writers with clients, offering flexible hours and the potential to earn a substantial income.