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10 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Journalists

Journalists, write your way to extra income! This list unlocks side hustles that complement your skills, from freelance writing and editing to online courses or content creation. Monetize your journalistic expertise on your own terms!

Translation Services

Translation Services

If you are proficient in multiple languages, offer translation services for articles, books, documents, and websites. This can attract clients from around the world seeking accurate and high-quality translations.



Write persuasive marketing materials, including advertisements, product descriptions, email campaigns, and landing pages. Businesses often hire skilled copywriters to create content that drives sales and engages customers.

Newsletter Creation

Newsletter Creation

Create and monetize newsletters on various topics of interest. Utilize platforms like Substack or Mailchimp to build a subscriber base and offer valuable content consistently. This can include exclusive articles, insights, or curated news.

Teaching and Workshops

Teaching and Workshops

Conduct workshops or teach online courses related to journalism, writing, or media. Share your knowledge and expertise with aspiring journalists and writers, either through live classes or pre-recorded sessions on platforms like Udemy.

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Capitalize on your ability to craft messages and manage a social media presence. Offer services to companies, small businesses, and influencers to handle their social media accounts, create posts, and engage with their audience.



Start your own podcast or assist others in creating theirs. Use your interviewing skills to create engaging content. This can generate income through sponsorships, advertisements, and listener donations via platforms like Patreon.

Editing and Proofreading

Editing and Proofreading

Offer your editing and proofreading services to authors, students, business professionals, and other writers. This can involve correcting grammatical errors, improving readability, and ensuring the overall quality of the written content.



Write articles, books, or other pieces without receiving credit. High-profile individuals, executives, and busy professionals often require ghostwriters to produce their content. This side hustle can be lucrative and interesting, offering diverse topics.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Utilize your expertise to create compelling content for brands and businesses. This can include blog posts, social media updates, newsletters, and more. Companies are always in need of skilled communicators to enhance their online presence.

Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing

Leverage your journalism skills to write for blogs, magazines, and websites. You can earn money by taking up assignments that range from short articles to in-depth reports. Many platforms and agencies are constantly looking for experienced writers.