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13 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Lawyers

Lawyers, leverage your expertise for extra cash! This list unlocks profitable side hustles that complement your legal knowledge. Turn your skills into extra income with consulting, legal writing, or online courses. All on your flexible terms!

Social Media Legal Consulting

Social Media Legal Consulting

Advise businesses and influencers on compliance with social media laws and regulations. This can include intellectual property issues, FTC guidelines on advertising, and defamation cases.

Real Estate Legal Services

Real Estate Legal Services

Specialize in providing legal services for real estate transactions. This includes reviewing purchase agreements, handling property disputes, and advising on real estate laws and regulations.

Legal Research Services

Legal Research Services

Offer specialized legal research services to law firms, businesses, or academic institutions. This includes gathering relevant case law, statutes, and legal precedents on specific issues or topics.

Expert Witness Consulting

Expert Witness Consulting

Use your legal expertise to serve as an expert witness in court cases. This involves providing testimony to clarify complex legal issues and help the court understand specific matters from a professional perspective.

Notary Services

Notary Services

Become a licensed notary public and offer services such as witnessing and certifying signatures on legal documents. This can be done on-demand and usually requires a minimal upfront investment in certification and training.

Mediation Services

Mediation Services

Get certified as a mediator and offer your services to help resolve disputes out of court. This can be particularly useful for family law disputes, small business conflicts, and workplace disagreements.

Legal Tutoring and Coaching

Legal Tutoring and Coaching

Offer tutoring services for law students or coaching for new lawyers. This could include bar exam preparation, understanding legal ethics, or navigating the first year of practice.

Virtual Law Firm

Virtual Law Firm

Start a virtual law firm offering services like consultations, legal drafting, and representation online. This can significantly reduce overhead costs, making legal services more accessible to a wider audience.

Legal Tech Development

Legal Tech Development

Collaborate with software developers to create legal tech tools that can help streamline legal processes. This can involve anything from drafting automated contract templates to developing mobile apps that assist lawyers in their daily tasks.

Contract Review Services

Contract Review Services

Provide contract review and negotiation services for small businesses and individuals. This can be done remotely and usually involves offering insights and editing suggestions to make the contracts more favorable for your clients.

Online Legal Courses

Online Legal Courses

Develop and sell online courses aimed at educating other lawyers, paralegals, or the general public on legal matters. Topics can range from understanding basic legal concepts to more complex issues in a specific field of law.

Legal Writing and Blogging

Legal Writing and Blogging

Write articles, blog posts, or eBooks on various legal topics. This could be for legal websites, your personal blog, or even ghostwriting for other attorneys or law firms.

Freelance Legal Consulting

Freelance Legal Consulting

Offer specialized legal advice to individuals, businesses, or law firms on a contractual basis. This can include reviewing contracts, providing risk assessments, or advising on compliance and regulatory issues.