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12 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Medical Assistants

Medical assistants, level up your earning potential! This list unlocks side hustles that complement your medical knowledge. From administrative tasks online to assisting with virtual consultations, find the perfect way to turn your skills into extra cash!

Medical Research Assistant

Medical Research Assistant

Work part-time for medical research companies needing support in conducting studies, collecting data, and managing research documentation. Your medical assistant expertise ensures accuracy and professionalism in this role.

Medical Equipment Trainer

Medical Equipment Trainer

With your experience in handling medical equipment, you can offer training sessions to new medical staff or patients on how to use medical devices correctly. This can be done in-person or through online video tutorials.

Telehealth Support

Telehealth Support

As telehealth services expand, there's a need for support staff to assist with setting up appointments, troubleshooting technical issues, and ensuring smooth communication between patients and healthcare providers. Your familiarity with healthcare processes makes you a valuable asset in this role.

Healthcare Product Sales

Healthcare Product Sales

Join an affiliate or direct sales program for healthcare-related products. Given your background, you can confidently recommend products such as medical tools, health supplements, or wellness gadgets to potential customers.

Medical Virtual Assistant

Medical Virtual Assistant

Utilize your administrative skills and medical knowledge to work as a virtual assistant for healthcare professionals. Tasks may include appointment scheduling, managing patient records, and handling email communications, all done remotely.

Phlebotomy Services

Phlebotomy Services

If you have phlebotomy certification, you can offer blood draw services on a freelance basis. You could work with local laboratories or conduct home visits for patients who require blood tests, offering convenience and personalized service.

First Aid and CPR Instructor

First Aid and CPR Instructor

With certification, you can teach community classes in first aid and CPR. This is a valuable skillset and you’ll be providing essential knowledge to others. Classes can be taught on weekends or evenings, depending on your schedule.

Remote Health Coach

Remote Health Coach

As a health coach, you’ll guide clients to achieve their health and wellness goals through personalized plans. Leveraging your medical background, you can offer insights into nutrition, exercise routines, and overall health management. This side hustle is entirely flexible and can be done via phone or online platforms.

Patient Advocate

Patient Advocate

A patient advocate helps patients understand their diagnoses, treatment options and medical bills, ensuring they get the best possible care. Your background as a medical assistant provides the knowledge needed to assist patients in navigating the healthcare system, which can be done both in-person and virtually.

Health Blogger or Medical Content Writer

Health Blogger or Medical Content Writer

Using your knowledge of medical practices and patient care, you can write blogs or articles for health websites or create your own health blog. Topics can range from medical news and health tips to patient care advice. Strong writing skills and a good understanding of SEO will help you succeed.

Medical Coding Specialist

Medical Coding Specialist

Medical coding involves translating medical procedures, diagnoses, and services into standardized codes used for billing. With your medical background, you can take a certification course in medical coding and work as a freelance coder. This job is highly detailed-oriented and can be performed remotely.

Freelance Medical Transcription

Freelance Medical Transcription

Medical transcription involves converting voice-recorded medical reports into written text. As a medical assistant, you have the necessary medical terminology understanding and typing skills to excel in this side hustle. You'll transcribe doctor’s notes, patient histories, and other medical documents, which can be done from home at your own pace.