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10 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Occupational Therapists

OTs on the Move! This list unlocks side hustles that leverage your occupational therapy expertise. From telehealth consultations to online courses, turn your skills into extra cash while maintaining flexibility.

Life Skills Coaching

Life Skills Coaching

Help individuals develop essential life skills such as time management, organizational skills, and coping strategies. Offer one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to the specific needs of each client, potentially partnering with schools or rehabilitation centers to reach a broader audience.

Group Therapy Sessions

Group Therapy Sessions

Organize group therapy sessions focusing on common challenges such as social skills, motor skills, or anxiety management. These sessions can be conducted at community centers, rehabilitation facilities, or via video conferencing, providing a supportive community environment.

Occupational Therapy Tutor

Occupational Therapy Tutor

Provide tutoring services for occupational therapy students or those preparing for licensing exams. Create personalized study plans, conduct mock tests, and offer insights into practical and theoretical aspects of the profession. Sessions can be held in-person or online.

Adaptive Equipment Consultation

Adaptive Equipment Consultation

Offer services to consult on and recommend adaptive equipment for individuals with disabilities. This encompasses evaluating the client's needs and helping them choose the right tools and devices, whether for daily living, mobility, or specific occupational tasks.

Freelance Writing on Occupational Therapy

Freelance Writing on Occupational Therapy

Write articles, blog posts, or eBooks focused on occupational therapy. Topics can range from new therapeutic techniques to personal experiences and case studies. These can be published in medical journals, health websites, or self-published on Amazon.

Workshops and Seminars

Workshops and Seminars

Develop and deliver educational workshops and seminars on various topics such as stress management, adaptive techniques, or caregiver training. These can be held in community centers, corporate settings, or online platforms. Offering certificates of completion can add extra value.

Home Modification Consultant

Home Modification Consultant

Work as a consultant to assess homes for necessary modifications to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Provide comprehensive reports and recommendations for modifications like installing grab bars, wheelchair ramps, or stairlifts. Partner with local contractors to implement modifications.

Pediatric Therapy Through Play

Pediatric Therapy Through Play

Specialize in pediatric therapy that focuses on developmental play techniques. This can be done in a clinic, at clients' homes, or even via online sessions. Design and deliver personalized play-based interventions that aid in children's physical, cognitive, and social development.

Ergonomic Consulting

Ergonomic Consulting

Provide businesses with ergonomic assessments for their employees. This can include analyzing workstations, offering recommendations for ergonomic improvements, and conducting workshops on injury prevention. Documentation and follow-up visits can also be arranged for additional income.

Telehealth Occupational Therapy

Telehealth Occupational Therapy

Offer telehealth consultations for patients who need guidance on therapeutic exercises, adaptive techniques, or in-home modifications. This can be done during evenings or weekends, using video conferencing tools to reach a wider audience without geographical constraints.