
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

12 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Older Adults

Retire and Recharge... Your Wallet! This list unlocks flexible side hustles for active older adults. Find the perfect way to earn extra cash with a schedule that fits your lifestyle!



With a good camera and an eye for detail, photography can turn into a profitable side hustle. Specializing in areas like portraits, events, or nature photography, older adults can market their services locally or sell prints online via sites like Shutterstock or Etsy.

Writing and Self-Publishing

Writing and Self-Publishing

Older adults with a knack for writing can consider publishing their own books. They can write novels, memoirs, or even guidebooks on various topics. With the rise of self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, it has become easier for writers to publish and sell their work to a broad audience.

Home-Based Child Care

Home-Based Child Care

Offering home-based child care services is an excellent option for those who enjoy spending time with children. This side hustle can be highly rewarding and beneficial for working parents in the community. Licensing requirements vary, so it's important to check local regulations.

Baking and Selling Homemade Goods

Baking and Selling Homemade Goods

For those with culinary skills, baking and selling homemade goods can be a lucrative side hustle. Items such as cakes, cookies, and breads can be sold at local farmers' markets, fairs, or through online marketplaces. This provides a way to turn a passion for baking into a profitable venture.

Crafting and Selling Custom Jewelry

Crafting and Selling Custom Jewelry

Creating and selling custom jewelry allows older adults to tap into their creativity. They can market their unique designs online via platforms like Etsy or at local artisan markets. This side hustle allows for flexible hours and the potential for a significant income based on craftsmanship and quality.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant

With their extensive professional experience, older adults can work as virtual assistants, performing tasks such as email management, scheduling, and customer service. This role can often be performed from home, offering flexibility. Websites like Belay and Time Etc provide virtual assistant opportunities.

Gardening and Landscaping Services

Gardening and Landscaping Services

Those with a green thumb can offer gardening and landscaping services in their local community. This can include planting flowers, mowing lawns, or maintaining gardens. It's a way to stay active and enjoy the outdoors while earning extra income.

Renting Space

Renting Space

Older adults with extra space in their homes can consider renting out a room or property on platforms like Airbnb. This can provide a steady stream of income and the opportunity to meet new people from all over the world.

Handmade Crafts and Goods

Handmade Crafts and Goods

Many older adults enjoy creating handmade crafts such as knitting, woodworking, or pottery. These items can be sold online through marketplaces like Etsy or at local craft fairs. This allows them to turn a hobby into a profitable side business.

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking

For those who love animals, pet sitting and dog walking can be a rewarding side hustle. It offers physical activity and the joy of spending time with pets. Services like Rover and Wag allow individuals to sign up and start offering their pet care services to local pet owners.

Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring

With a wealth of knowledge and experience, older adults can engage in online tutoring. Subjects can range from academic tutoring to teaching hobbies like knitting or woodworking. Platforms such as and VIPKid offer opportunities to teach students of various ages and backgrounds.



Older adults can offer their expertise in fields like writing, graphic design, or consulting by freelancing. This not only allows them to work on flexible schedules but also to continue utilizing their professional skills after retirement. Websites like Upwork and Fiverr provide platforms to connect freelancers with clients.