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8 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Project Managers

Project Gurus, Get Paid Extra! This list unlocks side hustles that leverage your PM skills. From consulting to online project management courses, turn your expertise into extra cash, on your terms!

Template and Tool Development

Template and Tool Development

Develop customizable templates and tools for project management, such as Gantt charts, budget trackers, risk assessment forms, and project dashboards. Sell these items on platforms like Etsy or through your own website. Project managers often seek ready-made templates to improve their efficiency, and this can be a profitable niche market.

Virtual Project Management Assistance

Virtual Project Management Assistance

Offer virtual assistance to small businesses and startups that require help managing their projects. This can include tasks like scheduling, task tracking, communication management, and documentation. Utilize your project management skills to support teams remotely, and charge for your services on an hourly or project basis. Platforms like Upwork can help you find clients.

Project Management Tools Review

Project Management Tools Review

Create a website or YouTube channel dedicated to reviewing project management tools and software. Offer detailed insights, tutorials, and comparisons to help project managers choose the best tools for their needs. Monetize your content through affiliate links, sponsored reviews, and advertising revenue. Your expert reviews can build trust and attract a loyal following.

E-books and Guides

E-books and Guides

Write and publish e-books or guides on various project management topics. Cover areas such as project planning, resource allocation, time management, and conflict resolution. Self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing can help you distribute your work to a global audience. E-books can provide a steady stream of passive income as readers purchase your materials.

Public Speaking and Workshops

Public Speaking and Workshops

Offer your services as a public speaker at conferences, seminars, and business events. Share your insights on project management, leadership, and team collaboration. You can also organize your own workshops and training sessions for companies or individuals seeking to enhance their project management skills. This can be a lucrative side hustle if you build a reputation as a knowledgeable speaker.

Blogging and Content Writing

Blogging and Content Writing

Start a blog focused on project management tips, industry trends, and case studies. Use your knowledge to write insightful articles that provide value to aspiring and experienced project managers. Monetize your blog through advertisements, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing. Additionally, you can offer guest blogging services to other websites looking for expert content.

Online Course Creation

Online Course Creation

Create and sell online courses that teach project management skills. Use your experience to develop comprehensive modules covering topics such as project scheduling, risk management, stakeholder communication, and agile methodologies. Platforms like Udemy or Teachable can help you reach a wide audience, and you can generate passive income as people enroll in your courses.

Freelance Consulting

Freelance Consulting

Leverage your project management expertise to offer consulting services for businesses looking to improve their processes and systems. You can help organizations streamline their project workflows, utilize project management software efficiently, and implement best practices. This side hustle could involve conducting workshops, creating training materials, and providing one-on-one guidance.