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10 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Real Estate Agents

Realtors on the Rise! This list unlocks side hustles that complement your real estate knowledge. Earn extra cash with virtual staging consultations, online courses, or property management – all while leveraging your existing expertise!

Short-term Rental Management

Short-term Rental Management

Manage properties listed on short-term rental platforms like Airbnb or Vrbo. This can include setting up listings, communicating with guests, and arranging cleaning services. Due to the high turnover rate in short-term rentals, this side hustle requires more hands-on management but can be very profitable, especially in tourist-heavy areas.

Leasing Services

Leasing Services

Specialize in helping clients find rental properties. This can be a steady source of income, particularly in urban areas where the rental market is robust. Your existing network and market knowledge can help you match landlords with tenants, negotiate leases, and handle initial paperwork.

Real Estate Investing Consulting

Real Estate Investing Consulting

Provide consulting services to individuals looking to invest in real estate. Share your market knowledge, investment strategies, and tips for maximizing returns. This side hustle is great for agents who have a proven track record in real estate investing and can offer credible, actionable advice to clients.

Virtual Tours and Drone Footage

Virtual Tours and Drone Footage

Offer virtual tour and aerial drone footage services to showcase properties in a more interactive and visually appealing way. This is especially useful for out-of-town buyers or during pandemics when in-person visits are limited. This side hustle requires some investment in technology and software but can set you apart in a crowded market.

Home Staging Services

Home Staging Services

Use your eye for design to offer home staging services to sellers looking to make their properties more appealing to buyers. This involves arranging furniture and décor to highlight the best features of a home. Home staging can significantly increase a property's sale price and speed up the sale process, making it a valuable service that commands a high fee.

Real Estate Coaching

Real Estate Coaching

With your experience, you can offer coaching services to new or struggling real estate agents. This might include one-on-one mentoring, creating online courses, or hosting webinars. This side hustle is perfect for those who are not only experienced in the field but also have a passion for teaching and helping others succeed.

Real Estate Blogging/Vlogging

Real Estate Blogging/Vlogging

Leverage your expertise and create a blog or YouTube channel that provides valuable insights into the real estate market. This could include market trends, buying and selling tips, or property showcases. Monetize your content through ad revenue, sponsored posts, or affiliate marketing. This side hustle requires consistency and quality content to build a following.

House Flipping

House Flipping

With your knowledge of the real estate market, you can engage in house flipping, which involves buying distressed properties, renovating them, and selling them for a profit. This side hustle requires significant capital and an eye for spotting undervalued properties, but it can yield substantial returns if done correctly.

Real Estate Photography

Real Estate Photography

Real estate agents can offer professional photography services to other agents or homeowners looking to sell their property. High-quality photos are essential in attracting potential buyers. This side hustle requires investment in good camera equipment and possibly some training, but it can be highly lucrative, especially in upscale markets where presentation is key.

Property Management

Property Management

As a real estate agent, you have a wealth of knowledge about properties and tenants. Property management involves taking care of rental properties for landlords. Your duties may include finding tenants, handling maintenance requests, and collecting rent. This side hustle is ideal for agents who want a steady stream of income and can leverage their existing network to find clients.