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10 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Recruiters

Recruiters on the Move! Earn Extra While You Source. This list unlocks flexible side hustles for busy recruiters. Leverage your talent scouting skills with freelance recruiting, online coaching, or even interview prep workshops - all on your terms!

Placement Services for Remote Workers

Placement Services for Remote Workers

Specialize in finding remote job opportunities for candidates looking to work from home. With the rise of remote work, many job seekers need guidance in finding legitimate remote positions. Help clients navigate job boards, pitch themselves to remote companies, and prepare for remote work interviews.

Interview Preparation Services

Interview Preparation Services

Offer your expertise to help job seekers prepare for interviews. Conduct mock interviews, provide feedback, and teach techniques to handle different types of interview questions. Your guidance can help candidates improve their performance and increase their chances of landing a job.

Recruitment Marketing

Recruitment Marketing

Assist companies in developing an attractive employer brand to appeal to top talent. This involves crafting compelling job descriptions, optimizing career pages, and managing recruitment marketing campaigns on social media. Your efforts can significantly enhance a company's ability to attract and retain the best employees.

Salary Negotiation Services

Salary Negotiation Services

Provide specialized services to help candidates negotiate their salary packages effectively. Using your industry knowledge and insight into market trends, advise clients on how to approach negotiations to ensure they get fair compensation for their skills and experience. This can be a one-time service or part of a career coaching package.

Hosting Workshops/Webinars

Hosting Workshops/Webinars

Create and host workshops or webinars on various HR and recruiting topics like 'How to Ace an Interview,' 'Effective Resume Writing,' or 'Job Market Trends.' You can charge per participant or partner with educational institutions and online platforms to reach a broader audience.

HR Consulting

HR Consulting

Offer your expertise in HR practices to small businesses that may not have the resources for a full-time HR department. This could include creating employee handbooks, developing onboarding processes, or advising on compliance and labor laws. Your insight can help these businesses run more smoothly and effectively.

Candidate Sourcing

Candidate Sourcing

Specialize in candidate sourcing by identifying and reaching out to potential job candidates for companies in need. This could be done through social media searches, networking events, and using various job boards. As a sourcer, you can find top talent and refer them to hiring companies for a fee.

Career Coaching

Career Coaching

Provide individualized coaching sessions to job seekers. Help clients identify their career goals, develop job search strategies, and prepare for interviews. This can involve one-on-one meetings, group workshops, or creating digital courses. This service is in high demand as job seekers look for guidance and mentorship.

Resume Writing Services

Resume Writing Services

Assist job seekers in creating impactful resumes and cover letters. Leverage your knowledge of what employers look for to help clients present their work experience and skills effectively. You can offer packages for resume review, complete resume overhaul, and LinkedIn profile optimization.

Freelance Recruiting

Freelance Recruiting

Utilize your recruiting skills to find top talent for various companies on a freelance basis. You can sign up on platforms like Upwork or Toptal to offer your services. This can involve screening candidates, conducting interviews, and managing the hiring process. Flexible hours and the ability to work remotely make it an excellent side hustle.