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10 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Veterans

Salute Your Side Hustle! Vets Earn Extra with Proven Skills. This list unlocks side hustles that leverage your valuable military experience. Turn your leadership, technical skills, or discipline into extra cash with consulting, online courses, or even handyman services - all on your terms!

Driver for Ride-Sharing Services

Driver for Ride-Sharing Services

Veterans can use their driving skills to work for ride-sharing companies like Uber or Lyft. This side hustle offers flexible hours and the opportunity to meet new people. It's a simple way to earn extra income without the need for a significant upfront investment.

Real Estate Investing

Real Estate Investing

Veterans can explore real estate investing as a side hustle. This can include buying and renting out properties, flipping houses, or investing in real estate crowdfunding. With the right knowledge and strategy, real estate can provide a significant return on investment.

Crafts and Artisan Goods

Crafts and Artisan Goods

Many veterans have hobbies such as woodworking, crafting, or creating artisan goods. Selling handmade items on platforms like Etsy or at local markets can be a rewarding side hustle. This allows veterans to express their creativity and turn their hobbies into a source of income.

Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring

Veterans with expertise in academic subjects or specialized skills can offer online tutoring services. This side hustle is flexible and can be done from home, making it ideal for veterans who want to share their knowledge and help others learn and succeed.

Security Services

Security Services

Veterans with military training can offer security services for events, businesses, or individuals. This can include personal protection, event security, or surveillance. Leveraging their discipline and training, veterans can provide peace of mind and ensure safety for their clients.

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking

Many people need reliable care for their pets while they are away. Veterans can offer pet sitting and dog walking services to their local community. This side hustle provides a way to spend time with animals, stay active, and earn extra income.

Fitness Trainer

Fitness Trainer

With a background in physical training and discipline, veterans can pursue a career as a fitness trainer. This side hustle can include personal training sessions, group fitness classes, or online coaching. Veterans can use their knowledge to help others achieve their fitness goals while maintaining their own health and wellness.

Handyman Services

Handyman Services

Veterans often have extensive training in various trades. Offering handyman services in the local community can be a great way to leverage these skills. This can include tasks such as repairs, installations, and renovations, providing a steady stream of income while helping others.

Consulting Services

Consulting Services

Veterans have a unique set of skills and experiences that can be valuable to businesses and individuals. Offering consulting services in areas such as leadership, strategy, and project management can be a lucrative side hustle. This can be done on a one-on-one basis or through workshops and seminars.

Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing

Many veterans possess excellent writing skills, which can be used to create content for blogs, websites, and marketing materials. Freelance writing allows for flexible scheduling and can be done remotely, providing a great opportunity for veterans to express their creativity and share their expertise on various subjects.