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23 Side Hustles

Side Hustles for Working Moms

Supermom Side Hustles! Earn Extra Without Missing Out. This list unlocks flexible gigs that fit your jam-packed schedule. Balance family time with financial goals! Turn your skills (writing, crafting) or passions into extra cash, all on your terms!

Direct Sales

Direct Sales

Direct sales through companies like Avon, Mary Kay, or Pampered Chef allow working moms to sell products and earn commissions. This side hustle often involves social networking and home parties, providing a social component that is engaging and enjoyable for many moms. It’s a flexible and potential high-earning option.

Proofreading and Editing

Proofreading and Editing

Working moms with strong linguistic skills can offer proofreading and editing services. This involves correcting grammatical errors, checking for consistency, and improving the overall quality of documents. Clients may include students, authors, and businesses. This can be done part-time with flexible hours.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Utilizing graphic design skills to create logos, marketing materials, and other visual content is a great side hustle for tech-savvy working moms. Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork offer opportunities to find clients. It provides a lot of flexibility in timing and can be done remotely.

Photography Services

Photography Services

Moms with a talent for photography can offer services for family portraits, events, or real estate photography. This can be done on weekends or during childcare hours, providing flexibility. Skill development through online courses and a robust portfolio can attract clients. Marketing via social media and local community groups can help build a client base.

Childcare Services

Childcare Services

Offering childcare services, like babysitting or an at-home daycare, is a great option for working moms who love kids. This side hustle can be very rewarding and allows moms to earn income while their own children interact with others. It also provides flexibility as they can set their own hours.

Pet Sitting

Pet Sitting

Pet sitting is a side hustle that allows working moms to earn extra income by taking care of pets. Responsibilities might include feeding, walking, and playing with pets while their owners are away. It’s a flexible option that can often fit easily into a busy schedule.

Pet Sitting/Dog Walking

Pet Sitting/Dog Walking

Pet sitting or dog walking is a great option for moms who love animals and want a flexible job. This role involves feeding, walking, and sometimes boarding pets while owners are away. It offers flexible hours that can be scheduled around family commitments. Websites like Rover and can help moms connect with pet owners in need of services.

Online Courses

Online Courses

Creating and selling online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable allows working moms to share their expertise on various topics. They can film lessons on their schedule, and once uploaded, the courses generate passive income. This is ideal for moms looking to build a sustainable side income.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Moms with a background in graphic design can offer their services to create logos, social media graphics, brochures, and other visual content. Many businesses require freelance designers, providing an opportunity to work on diverse projects. This side hustle allows flexible hours and the ability to work from home, using platforms like 99designs or freelancing websites to find clients.

Event Planning

Event Planning

Event planning for parties, weddings, or corporate events can be a lucrative side hustle. Working moms can utilize their organizational and creative skills to plan successful events. This can often be done on weekends or evenings, fitting well into a full-time work schedule.

Direct Sales

Direct Sales

Direct sales involve selling products through companies like Avon, Tupperware, or Herbalife. Moms can host parties, sell online, or leverage social media to reach customers. This side hustle provides flexibility and the potential to earn commission-based income. Success often depends on networking and sales skills. It’s an opportunity to work as much or little as desired while balancing family time.



Blogging about personal experiences, parenting tips, or any area of interest can be a profitable side hustle. Through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and ad revenue, working moms can monetize their blog. It allows for creativity and can be done during free time, making it a flexible option.



For moms who love cooking or baking, starting a small catering or baking business offers the chance to turn a passion into profit. This could involve making cakes for special occasions, offering meal prep services, or catering small events. This job allows mothers to work mainly from home, adjusting their working hours to suit family life. Word of mouth and local social media groups can be excellent ways to find clients.

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Social media management allows working moms to leverage their social media prowess. They can manage social media pages for businesses, create content, schedule posts, and engage with followers. This side hustle can be done remotely, offering flexibility around a busy family life.



Blogging or vlogging about parenting, cooking, lifestyle, or any niche of interest can generate income through advertising, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing. This creative outlet allows moms to work on their schedule, sharing their passion and expertise with a wider audience. Building a following takes time, but consistent content and engagement can lead to a substantial side income.

E-commerce Store

E-commerce Store

Starting an e-commerce store through platforms like Etsy, Amazon, or Shopify is a great option for working moms. They can sell handmade crafts, print-on-demand items, or even retail arbitrage products. This side hustle offers the flexibility to work on the business during off-hours and scale it over time.

E-commerce Store

E-commerce Store

Starting an e-commerce store through platforms like Etsy, Shopify, or Amazon allows moms to sell handmade crafts, vintage items, or other curated products. This side hustle can be as time-consuming or flexible as needed, depending on the business model. With proper marketing and unique products, this venture can grow into a significant source of income while allowing moms to work at their own pace.

Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring

Online tutoring offers working moms the chance to teach subjects they are knowledgeable in. It can range from elementary school help to specialized subjects in high school and college. Platforms like Chegg and provide avenues for connecting with students, making it a flexible and rewarding option.

Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring

Online tutoring is an excellent side hustle for moms with expertise in a particular subject or a teaching background. Tutors can teach various subjects, from English and math to music lessons, via platforms like VIPKid, Wyzant, or Chegg Tutors. This job allows for the creation of a flexible schedule that fits around children’s needs, with potential earnings varying based on subject complexity and teaching experience.

Virtual Assistance

Virtual Assistance

Virtual assistants provide administrative support to businesses or entrepreneurs remotely. Duties might include managing emails, scheduling appointments, social media management, and customer service. This role offers a flexible schedule and can often be tailored to fit around family commitments. Moms with strong organizational skills and basic tech savviness can excel in this field, often earning hourly rates. Platforms such as Zirtual and Belay are good starting points.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant

Being a virtual assistant enables working moms to provide administrative services from home. Duties may include managing emails, scheduling appointments, and handling social media accounts. This side hustle offers flexibility in work hours and the ability to work with multiple clients from various industries.

Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing allows moms to work from home or any other comfortable location, setting their own hours. It's perfect for those with strong writing skills and a desire to write articles, blogs, or even e-books. This side hustle offers great flexibility and the potential for good pay, depending on the complexity and length of the projects. Moms can find gigs through online platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or by pitching directly to publications.

Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing allows working moms to utilize their writing skills to generate income. This can be done from home and often on a flexible schedule. Opportunities range from blog posts, articles, and product descriptions to technical writing. It allows moms to balance work with family needs while leveraging their creativity.