
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

Interview with the founder of HTML6

Ferenc Denes
Founder, HTML6


HTML6 is a HTML WYSIWYG editor.

In this interview, we interview the founder, Ferenc Denes.

How did you come up with the idea for the business?

Having previously worked as a web designer, I often found myself tasked with converting Word documents into HTML files for client websites. This mundane and repetitive process sparked the idea for a more efficient solution. Recognizing the need for automation, I initially developed an HTML cleaner as a personal tool to streamline the conversion process.

How did you build the product?

HTML code cleaning is basically just doing many find-and-replace tasks and I wrote a script that executes them all with a click of a button. I added an interface with visual and syntax highlighted code editors and I published it first as a free tool on (still online).

How big was your team when you started?

I have been the sole contributor to the project.

How did you launch the business?

In 2013 I uploaded my HTML cleaner on a random website on a hidden page for my personal use. I didn't do any SEO but somehow it was discovered by Google and traffic started to flow in. When the page had 200-300 daily users I launched the site on its dedicated domain, and this still ranks first for the "HTML cleaner" search query.

How have you grown the business since its launch?

In 2015 I published my HTML cleaner on with many new features and premium subscription plans. I have recently rebranded the site, transitioning from HTMLg to HTML6.

What are the main marketing channels that work out for you?

I make free online tools that promote my paid HTML editor: HTMLcheatSheet, TextEditor, HTML-CSS-JS etc (all .com domains). I have 30+ sites. I just focus on building the best HTML editor and other free tools and this strategy resulted a slow but consistent increase in traffic.

Which tools do you use most often to help grow your business?

Others use my tools to grow their businesses.

What is the business model (ads/subscription etc)?

My free tools display ads, while HTML6 offers users the option to purchase a license, forming the primary revenue stream.

What do your finances look like?

In 2016 I earned enough to quit my job and focus on my hobby which is also a great passive-income source: building free online tools. HTML6 alone generates about $2K monthly revenue.