
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

Fitness Management SaaS Product Makes $60K a Month


Wellyx is an all-in-one management software for the wellness and fitness industry. It offers comprehensive management and marketing solutions for gyms, spas, dance studios, salons, yoga studios, and other fitness businesses.


The Creator

Wellyx was co-founded by Katherine Barlow in 2015 with two other co-founders. Katherine Barlow developed this product to address the challenges she encountered in managing her fitness studio.


Business Model & Revenue

Wellyx monetizes through a freemium model, offering a one-month free trial. Currently, they are generating $60K in revenue per month.



The primary marketing channels for Wellyx include:

  • Cold email
  • SEO
  • Paid Ads


They have established their own in-house marketing team that has been handling SEO since day one.

Tech Stack

  • Marketing Site: WordPress
  • Backend: .NET framework
  • Frontend: Angular