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Resume Builder Achieves $2.4M Annual Revenue


Rezi is an online platform that leverages artificial intelligence to help job seekers create optimized resumes and cover letters. It offers features like AI writing assistance, ATS optimization, and custom formatting.


The Team

Rezi was founded by Jacob Jacquet in 2015. The company has grown to include a team of developers, AI specialists, and career experts dedicated to improving the job application process.


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Business Model & Revenue

According to the latest information from Latka, Rezi has achieved significant milestones:


Rezi makes $2.4 million annually and has over 150k users. It offers a free basic resume service and paid plans with advanced AI features.

Traffic and User Acquisition

Rezi generates an impressive 1.1 million visits per month.


Rezi's traffic comes from various sources, with a strong emphasis on organic search and direct visits.


The site ranks for competitive keywords such as "AI resume builder," "resume ai," and various job application-related terms.


Rezi has also implemented successful strategies to boost user acquisition:

  • Optimizing content for search engines to improve organic traffic
  • Leveraging social media platforms, particularly TikTok, for viral marketing
  • Partnering with influencers and career coaches to expand reach

Tech Stack and Product Development

  • Frontend: React.js
  • Backend: Node.js
  • AI: Custom natural language processing models
  • Cloud Infrastructure: AWS
