
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

Solo Developer Making $10k a Month from a Stock Photo Site


Picjumbo is a free stock photo site.


The Team

Picjumbo was created by Viktor, a designer, photographer, and WordPress developer. The site remains primarily a solo project since its launch in 2013.


Business Model & Revenue

Picjumbo generates over $10k a month, as shared by the founder in an interview. The business has two revenue streams: one is a subscription service, where members receive daily new photos straight to their email inbox, and the other is advertising.

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The top channels people find Picjumbo are through organic search, referrals, and by going directly to the website. Let's take a quick look at each of these channels.


  1. Organic Search (48.28%): Picjumbo shows up on the first page of search results for highly competitive keywords.


  1. Referral (25.91%): PPicjumbo is one of the pioneering websites on the internet that offer free stock photos. It gets visitors from other well-known websites because it offers free stock photos. Even in non-English-speaking countries, people know about Picjumbo. People care more about the photos than the website's language.


  1. Direct (25.05%): Picjumbo shares free photos every day. We suppose people hear about it through word of mouth and often save it as a favorite to visit every day.

Tech Stack

  • Backend: WordPress
  • Database: MySQL
  • Frontend: jQuery