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TypeForm Alternative Generates $12,000 in 3 Weeks


Youform is a form builder that provides unlimited forms and responses for free.


The Team

The founding team behind Youform is Davis and Abhishek.

Abhishek, a front-end developer, was working on Youform as a side project with the goal of making it profitable enough to support him and his family full-time. When Davis saw Youform, he realized that it checked all of the boxes on his list of things he was looking for in a new SaaS product. He then approached Abhishek about partnering on Youform together.


  • reference:

Business Model & Revenue

Youform offers a free plan that allows for unlimited forms and unlimited responses, with access to almost all of the features. The paid tier removes Youform branding and costs $29/month.

They launched with a limited-time lifetime deal for $399 and generated $12,000 in revenue since launching in February 2024.


  • reference:


According to the founder, the launching strategy for Youform include:

  • The founder used his existing Twitter audience of 18,000 followers to generate interest.
  • They shared updates about Youform on Twitter and were able to get traction there.



Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js
  • Backend: Laravel and Laravel Livewire