
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

Bite-sized analysis of boring businesses.

Clocks Website Generates $300K a Year
Vclock is a website that provides four types of online clocks: alarm, timer, stopwatch, and time clock.
Bootstrapped Map Creator Generates $900 Monthly Recurring Revenue
Carta Maps is a no-code map creator. Unlike Google My Maps, which only enables the creation of personal maps, Carta Maps allows you to generate maps for both personal and business purposes.
Making $70k a Month with an Online Form Builder
Tally is a free online form builder. It is bootstrapped by two founders with zero outside funding.
Google Indexing Tool Making $8,000 a Month
Tag Parrot is a Google indexing tool for websites that accelerates the indexing of pages by Google within days, rather than months.
Link in Bio Tool Making $20K a Month
A "link in bio" tool is a service or platform that enables users, particularly those on social media, to share multiple links through a single clickable link.