
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

Bite-sized analysis of boring businesses.

Kindle Straps Business Makes $50k a Month
Strapsicle is a website that sells silicone straps for Kindle. It is designed to help people comfortably and securely hold their Kindle devices while reading one-handed.
Personal Diet and Health Tracker Generates $40,000 a Month
Cronometer a nutrition tracker app born from a personal need that evolved into a successful venture.
Portfolio of Sudoku Sites Generates $1,000 Per Month from Adsense
Samurai Sudoku is one of the Sudoku sites built by the Reddit user 'dave333'.
Fitness Management SaaS Product Makes $60K a Month
Wellyx is an all-in-one management software for the wellness and fitness industry. It offers comprehensive management and marketing solutions for gyms, spas, dance studios, salons, yoga studios, and other fitness businesses.
iOS Working Hour Tracker Makes $4,800 a Month
WorkTimes is an app that tracks and manages working hours. It is an Apple device-only app, working on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.