
Discover Boring Businesses that Quietly Rake in the Cash

Bite-sized analysis of boring businesses.

Workout Tracking App Makes $40k a Month
Hevy is a mobile workout tracker that helps you monitor your workouts and stay accountable.
Bootstrapped URL Shortening Service Making $5k a Month
T.LY is a link shortening service that enables you to track, brand, and share short URLs.
Software Directory Site Making $10k a Month
SaaSHub is a directory site that lists various software products and currently generates approximately $10,000 a month.
B2C Cleaning Schedule APP Making 40,000 a Month
Sweepy is an app designed to help people organize their cleaning tasks.
10-Year-Old Software Making $500 a Month on Autopilot
TSR Watermark Image is a piece of software designed for quick and simple batch watermarking of photos.